Dealer Sign-up

Dealership Info

Campaign Setup

Services Choose one or more services to sign up for.

Does your dealership speak spanish?
Desired Go Live Date

We will try to get you live as soon as possible, but you may choose a later start date if desired.

Are there any special posting conditions you want us to follow? (Leave blank if you want our team to optimize your posting strategy)

Craigslist Settings

Are there any Craigslist special posting conditions you want us to follow? (Leave blank if you want our team to optimize your posting strategy)

This lets us know how many ads to post each month for your Craigslist campaign. (We recommend at least 100 posts per month for best results)

Are there specific Craigslist regions you want to post in? (Leave blank if you want our team to determine the best regions for you)

Price Strategy

How do you want prices to be displayed?

Delete Sold Units
Delete Sold Units

Do you want to delete ads of sold units?

Service Level

Do you want us to manage your campaign or do it yourself?

OfferUp Settings

Lead Routing

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If desired, enter the name, email address and cell phone numbers of salespeople who will handle text and chat leads on their mobile phones.

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Agency Contact